MCQs QuizzesOral and Maxillofacial Surgery MCQs

MCQs on Instruments Used in Oral Surgery

In this Post you will be able to take quiz containing important MCQs of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and topic covered in this Quiz will be Instruments used in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Answers are Marked Bold and in Green.

MCQs on Instruments Used in Oral Surgery

# A straight elevator is properly used to advantage when the:
A. Adjacent tooth is the fulcrum
B. Tooth is isolated
C. Interdental bone is fulcrum
D. Adjacent tooth is not to be extracted

# Most of the elevators used in exodontias works on the principle
A. Class I lever
B. Class II lever
C. Class III lever
D. Wheel and axle
# Advantage of chisel and mallet over bur in removing bone is
A. Less skill is needed
B. Psychologically more acceptable
C. No coolant is necessary
D. Chisel & mallet are good instruments to remove dense bone
# The tips of anatomic forceps should be placed
A. On the crown portion
B. At the junction of clinical and anatomical crowns
C. Near junction of apical and middle thirds of clinical crown
D. On the root surface as far apically as possible

# Rongeur is commonly used to
A. Cut the bone
B. Extract third molars
C. Place the sutures in the areas where access is limited
D. None of the above
# To luxate a tooth with a forceps the movements should be
A. firm and deliberate primarily to the facial surface with secondary movements to the lingual surface
B. sharp and definite so periodontal ligament tears easily
C. gentle wiggles so patient get used to the pressure
D. figure of “eight” motion
# The scalpel blade most commonly used for oral surgical procedures is
A. No: 22
B. No: 12
C. No: 11
D. No: 15

# Osteotome is:
A. Monobevelled
B. Bibevelled
C. Tetrabevelled
D. Not contain any bevels

# The direction of the bevel of the chisel during bone cutting is
A. Away from the bone to be sacrificed
B. Towards the bone to be sacrificed
C. Independent of the bone to be sacrificed
D. Parallel to stress lines
# In endodontic surgery, which of the following about chromic gut suture is not true:
A. Its properties are inferior to plain gut suture
B. It is coated with chromium trioxide
C. It is less bio compatible than plain gut suture
D. Its absorption is faster than the plain gut sutures

# Polyglycolic acid suture material (Vicryl) is:
A. absorbable natural suture
B. absorbable synthetic suture
C. non-absorbable natural suture
D. non-absorbable synthetic suture

# The suture material most commonly used for intra oral wound closure is:
A. Vicryl
B. Silk
C. Nylon
D. Catgut

# Among the following suture materials which one elicits more tissue reaction? 
A. Catgut
B. Silk
C. Nylon
D. Linen
# Which of the following is commonly used as preservative for gut sutures?
A. Ethyl alcohol
B. Isotonic saline
C. Hypertonic saline
D. Isopropyl alcohol

# Absorbable suture is
A. Vicryl
B. Silk
C. Nylon
D. Prolene

# How much is the concentration of chlorhexidine used for rapid hand disinfection prior to any surgical procedure
A. 2%
B. 5%
C. 15%
D. 20%

# The elevator can be used to advantage when
A. the tooth to be extracted is isolated
B. the interdental bone is used as a fulcrum
C. the adjacent tooth is not to be extracted
D. multiple adjacent teeth are to be extracted

# The best example of an elevator which works on wheel and axle principle:
A. Howarth’s periosteal elevator
B. Winter cross bar elevator
C. Millers apex elevator
D. None of the above
# The elevators that employ both the lever and wedge principles during extraction of root tip are
A. Pott’s elevators and apex elevators
B. Apex elevators and straight elevator
C. Straight elevators and pott’s elevators
D. Pott’s elevators and cryer elevators

# Number 16 cowhorn forceps are specially designed to extract
A. maxillary first and second premolars
B. mandibular central incisors
C. mandibular molars
D. maxillary molars

# One decided to use forceps for removal of a tooth. The first direction for the force to be applied is:
A. buccally
B. lingually or palatally
C. apically
D. occlusally

# To extract a tooth the following type of grip is most desirable:
A. The whole of the inner surface of the forceps blade should fit the root surface
B. Only edges of the forceps blade should contact the tooth (two-point contact)
C. Only single lever contact between forceps blade and root surface (one-point contact)
D. Grip plays little role in extraction

# A dermatome is used:
A. to remove scar tissue
B. to harvest skin grafts
C. to abrade skin which is pigmented
D. for pairing of lacerated soft tissue

# The prime purpose of bi-bevelled chisel is:
A. split teeth
B. sharpen the angles
C. remove bone
D. engage point establishment

# Prolene (polypropylene) suture is:
A. synthetic absorbable
B. natural absorbable
C. synthetic non-absorbable
D. synthetic absorbable

# The following is one of the advantages of chromic gut over plain gut suture:
A. Greater ease of use
B. Non-absorbability
C. Greater strength
D. Less expensive
# The following suture material has the memory property:
A. Silk
B. Catgut
C. Nylon
D. Linen

# Which of the following is non-resorbable suture material?
A. Dacron
B. Catgut
C. Polyglycolic acid
D. Polyglactin 910

# Gut suturing material is absorbed by
A. Oxidation
B. Hydrolysis
C. Fibrinolysis
D. Proteolysis

# Which suture material has maximum life of 210 days?
A. Vicryl
B. Chromic catgut
C. Dexon
D. Polydiaxonone


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